Pest Control: 10 Things You Need to Know

Do you need pest control? People usually have a less than favorable impression of pest exterminators when they call. Is he or she anything more than just a person who has a fascination with bugs? If you think pest extermination is boring and virtually useless, think again. People have no idea what benefits pest exterminators can do for them and their home. If you have pests, be sure to call an exterminator as it is the best idea for pest control. But what exactly can they do for you? The following are 10 things you need to know about pest extermination:

  1. It does not have to be expensive. The largest misconception out there is that calling a professional pest exterminator means spending a lot of money. It is important to note that the cost depends on both the type of treatment and the severity of the pests. You will probably find that it is mostly affordable.
  2. Your house won't smell like chemicals. There are some treatments that require the use of chemicals, but this does not mean your home will be coated in a chemical-like smell. Most times, you will not have a noticeable odor from a pest exterminator's service.
  3. Pest exterminators can do more than you can.  Pest control used by exterminators are often more effective. Only a professional will be able to use them properly due to the structure of chemicals used. Their chemical backpacks actually do carry some potent things to eliminate pests with!
  4. Pest extermination really doesn't take long at all. Often times, the process only takes a matter of minutes. The results will be apparent right away, and will only improve over the course of time. The key here is that the sooner you get the treatment, the easier it will be.
  5. The pests are unlikely to keep coming back. It is true that in some areas you will have extensive infestations on a regular basis. (Cockroaches, for instance?) With the help of professional pest extermination, though, this process does not need to be regular. Professional services are vital in reducing the frequency of infestations.
  6. Only one treatment will be necessary in most cases. Most homes and small businesses will provide you with an effective treatment that takes just one application. There are some situations that do require more than one treatment. This hold true especially in large infestations where some pests are more difficult to treat. Your pest control expert will tell you what is needed when they arrive after they scope out the hiding places of these critters.
  7. Quotes are free. If you are unsure if you want to use their services, call the exterminator to your home to request a free quote. They will point out any problems you might have in your home after a detailed inspection. They can tell you your options, how it works, and the cost of the overall treatment.
  8. You can go green.Pest extermination options can even extend to those who want nonchemical based solutions. Going "green" does not mean you cannot fight the pests that threaten your home. Many of the exterminators today do offer environmentally friendly solutions to those who do not want chemicals used in your home.
  9. It could be safer for your pets' health. Many of the pest control products sold in stores can be easily overused, or used incorrectly. Your pet's health is at risk if the products are used in the wrong settings. Be careful when using any products. Follow the manufacturer's directions when applying.
  10. They can definitely help! Some people think that they cannot get rid of the pests in their homes no matter what they do. This is not true. In fact, pest exterminators make it their life's work to find and extinguish those pests lurking in your home.

Important Termite Control and Prevention

Damage Control

Termite control is one of the toughest cases of pest removal for homeowners. These tiny ant-like insects can hide and burrow in complex colonies numbering in to the thousands. Termites tunnel and burrow through structures to reach a food or water access point. The home will retain a multitude of damage including weakened foundations, damaged flooring and unsafe framing due to the termites processes. Termites are also known to ruin entire crops with their voracious appetite and their extensive colony structures that can be built above and below ground. Preventing a termite colony from ever establishing roots is the best pest control measure for homeowners. The property impacted by termite damage plays a large role in determining the type of pest control and prevention techniques used. Due to termites' tunnelling skills, they can often go unnoticed for long periods of time even with detailed termite inspections.

Prevention Is the Best Policy

Termite damage is one of the most costly types of repairs a homeowner can face. Termites are capable of gnawing dirt, wood, and carpeting. Insurance companies are hesitant of covering some houses and areas that are prone to heavy termite damage. This is largely because the scope of structural and foundation damage to a home can be so expensive to repair, with no real guarantee that the same home won’t be impacted by termites again. Some termite removal methods that a do-it-yourself homeowner may consider in preventing termite damage includes the following:

  • Inspect wood structures and foundation supports regularly for signs of termites. Garages, porches and decks are included. Both the insects and dirt debris from tunneling efforts can be seen.
  • Replace any timber that is coming into contact with the ground. Termites are not able to penetrate through concret or other masonry materials as well.
  • Keep the area immediately around a home dry. Around the foundation of a home, inspect the rainwater, gutter drains and soil. Adding sand or gravel to ground that is saturated long after a rainfall is important.
  • Weed and clean the garden. Termites also consume rotting vegetation to supplement their diet.
  • Clean up pet waste. Termites regularly feed on animal waste, and so cleaning your yard clean of waste is a great preventive measure.
Preventing a termite problem is a far easier form of pest control than an actual extermination process. Even the laziest person will be motivated to take care of a termite problem just because of the sheer amount of damage they can inflict over a short period of time.

Bad Ideas for Termite Control

While termite prevention is the best policy for termite control, there are many bad ideas that homeowners are often given that can actually make a small problem worse.

  • Have a professional termite inspection before you buy a house.Many homeowners become overwhelmed and simply give up after they get an assessment of termite damage. Now their problem will be yours. If you are purchasing a home in a region prone to termite populations, it is good to get a complete home inspection with termite analysis.
  • Simply using chemical sprays does not mean you are finished.A weak foundation will still receive damage if you are only spraying surface termites with toxic spray, as the tunnels and colony are where the main problem lie.
  • Don’t assume the worse. Before ripping up your entire foundation and replacing it with concrete, the termite problem may not be as bad as you thought. Sometimes there will be abandoned colonies or tunnels. No additional damage should be incurred if there is not an active colony.
Catching a termite problem early on and implementing some additional pest control methods can be all that a homeowner needs to be protected from costly termite control damage. Doing nothing because there’s nothing you can do is some of the worst advice a homeowner can receive - or believe! There will be considerably less work to worry about if you learn and apply termite knowledge early on.

Jay Coen, a termite control writer